Your health, vitals, your entire world all in one App

Your health, vitals, your entire world all in one App

Your health, vitals, your entire world all in one App

Your health, in your hands: the Docs4D Patient Portal

offers secure access to your medical history,

lab results, and appointment scheduling

Your health, in your hands: the Docs4D Patient Portal

offers secure access to your medical history,

lab results, and appointment scheduling

Digital Monitoring of Your Heart Health

Digital monitoring through telemedicine represents a cutting-edge approach that provides you with a new level of protection and security for your heart health. The legal framework has evolved accordingly: Since 2022, statutory health insurance companies have been covering the treatment costs for patients diagnosed with heart failure at NYHA stages II or III.

From the Guardian-App

To the FrontLine Dashboard

eConsent Telemedicine

eConsent Telemedicine

eConsent Telemedicine

eConsent Telemedicine

Benefits for the Patients

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Docs4D HCP empowers telemedicine centers (TMCs) to effectively monitor heart failure patients remotely. Access to real-time health data allows for quick detection of condition changes in patients, facilitating prompt intervention.

Access Barriers to Medical Care

Overburdening of the Healthcare System

Chronic Disease Management

Quality of Medical Care

Costs in Healthcare

Prevention and Early Detection

Mental Health

Pandemic Management

Benefits for the Patients

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Docs4D HCP empowers telemedicine centers (TMCs) to effectively monitor heart failure patients remotely. Access to real-time health data allows for quick detection of condition changes in patients, facilitating prompt intervention.

Access Barriers to Medical Care

Overburdening of the Healthcare System

Chronic Disease Management

Quality of Medical Care

Costs in Healthcare

Prevention and Early Detection

Mental Health

Pandemic Management

Benefits for the Patients

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Access Barriers to Medical Care

Overburdening of the Healthcare System

Chronic Disease Management

Quality of Medical Care

Costs in Healthcare

Prevention and Early Detection

Mental Health

Pandemic Management

Benefits for the Patients

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Access Barriers to Medical Care

Overburdening of the Healthcare System

Chronic Disease Management

Quality of Medical Care

Costs in Healthcare

Prevention and Early Detection

Mental Health

Pandemic Management

New guidelines for heart failure expand the focus to individuals at risk or those with early signs.

New guidelines for heart failure expand the focus to individuals at risk or those with early signs.

PKV 23.12.2023

Improved Care for Heart Patients

To enhance the monitoring and treatment of individuals with heart failure using state-of-the-art telemedicine technology, the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) and the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV-Verband) have agreed on joint billing recommendations for "Telemonitoring in Chronic Heart Failure."

PKV 23.12.2023

Improved Care for Heart Patients

To enhance the monitoring and treatment of individuals with heart failure using state-of-the-art telemedicine technology, the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) and the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV-Verband) have agreed on joint billing recommendations for "Telemonitoring in Chronic Heart Failure."

PKV 23.12.2023

Improved Care for Heart Patients

To enhance the monitoring and treatment of individuals with heart failure using state-of-the-art telemedicine technology, the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) and the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV-Verband) have agreed on joint billing recommendations for "Telemonitoring in Chronic Heart Failure."

PKV 23.12.2023

Improved Care for Heart Patients

To enhance the monitoring and treatment of individuals with heart failure using state-of-the-art telemedicine technology, the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) and the Association of Private Health Insurance (PKV-Verband) have agreed on joint billing recommendations for "Telemonitoring in Chronic Heart Failure." April 1, 2022

New heart failure guidelines expand focus on people at risk or showing early signs

A new set of recommendations aimed at helping doctors prevent and manage heart failure expand the focus on people at risk or showing early signs of the condition. The latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and Heart Failure Society of America emphasize the importance of optimizing blood pressure and adhering to a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease, along with new treatment strategies for people already showing symptoms. The recommendations published Friday in the journal Circulation.

NSA Digital Archive/iStock via Getty Images April 1, 2022

New heart failure guidelines expand focus on people at risk or showing early signs

A new set of recommendations aimed at helping doctors prevent and manage heart failure expand the focus on people at risk or showing early signs of the condition. The latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and Heart Failure Society of America emphasize the importance of optimizing blood pressure and adhering to a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease, along with new treatment strategies for people already showing symptoms. The recommendations published Friday in the journal Circulation.

NSA Digital Archive/iStock via Getty Images April 1, 2022

New heart failure guidelines expand focus on people at risk or showing early signs

A new set of recommendations aimed at helping doctors prevent and manage heart failure expand the focus on people at risk or showing early signs of the condition. The latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and Heart Failure Society of America emphasize the importance of optimizing blood pressure and adhering to a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease, along with new treatment strategies for people already showing symptoms. The recommendations published Friday in the journal Circulation.

NSA Digital Archive/iStock via Getty Images April 1, 2022

New heart failure guidelines expand focus on people at risk or showing early signs

A new set of recommendations aimed at helping doctors prevent and manage heart failure expand the focus on people at risk or showing early signs of the condition. The latest guidelines from the American Heart Association, American College of Cardiology and Heart Failure Society of America emphasize the importance of optimizing blood pressure and adhering to a healthy lifestyle to prevent the disease, along with new treatment strategies for people already showing symptoms. The recommendations published Friday in the journal Circulation.

NSA Digital Archive/iStock via Getty Images

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Docs4D HCP empowers telemedicine centers (TMCs) to effectively monitor heart failure patients remotely. Access to real-time health data allows for quick detection of condition changes in patients, facilitating prompt intervention.

Advanced Remote Monitoring Capabilities

Ärzteblatt 13.12.2023 

National Care Guideline for Heart Failure: New Chapter on Medication Therapy Released

Berlin - The publishers of the National Care Guideline (NVL) for Chronic Heart Failure have revised the chapter on medication therapy and released the updated guideline as Version 4. The release of Version 5 of the guideline is planned for 2024, by which time all chapters are expected to be updated.

Ärzteblatt 13.12.2023 

National Care Guideline for Heart Failure: New Chapter on Medication Therapy Released

Berlin - The publishers of the National Care Guideline (NVL) for Chronic Heart Failure have revised the chapter on medication therapy and released the updated guideline as Version 4. The release of Version 5 of the guideline is planned for 2024, by which time all chapters are expected to be updated.

Ärzteblatt 13.12.2023 

National Care Guideline for Heart Failure: New Chapter on Medication Therapy Released

Berlin - The publishers of the National Care Guideline (NVL) for Chronic Heart Failure have revised the chapter on medication therapy and released the updated guideline as Version 4. The release of Version 5 of the guideline is planned for 2024, by which time all chapters are expected to be updated.

Ärzteblatt 13.12.2023 

National Care Guideline for Heart Failure: New Chapter on Medication Therapy Released

Berlin - The publishers of the National Care Guideline (NVL) for Chronic Heart Failure have revised the chapter on medication therapy and released the updated guideline as Version 4. The release of Version 5 of the guideline is planned for 2024, by which time all chapters are expected to be updated.

mednic 29.09.2022

Recognizing Heart Failure Through the Voice

Researchers aim to develop a sensor system that can detect heart failure through voice analysis. To achieve this, the BMBF-funded innovation project UNISONO is now being launched.

Das Projekt UNISONO ist jetzt gestartet. (Foto: © Cosinuss GmbH & Zana Technologies GmbH)

mednic 29.09.2022

Recognizing Heart Failure Through the Voice

Researchers aim to develop a sensor system that can detect heart failure through voice analysis. To achieve this, the BMBF-funded innovation project UNISONO is now being launched.

Das Projekt UNISONO ist jetzt gestartet. (Foto: © Cosinuss GmbH & Zana Technologies GmbH)

mednic 29.09.2022

Recognizing Heart Failure Through the Voice

Researchers aim to develop a sensor system that can detect heart failure through voice analysis. To achieve this, the BMBF-funded innovation project UNISONO is now being launched.

Das Projekt UNISONO ist jetzt gestartet. (Foto: © Cosinuss GmbH & Zana Technologies GmbH)

mednic 29.09.2022

Recognizing Heart Failure Through the Voice

Researchers aim to develop a sensor system that can detect heart failure through voice analysis. To achieve this, the BMBF-funded innovation project UNISONO is now being launched.

Das Projekt UNISONO ist jetzt gestartet. (Foto: © Cosinuss GmbH & Zana Technologies GmbH)

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Docs4D HCP is Designed from the start as a completely integrated infrastructure.

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